What Can Be Done to Prevent Mold Buildup in My Home?

January 20, 2020

Mold exposure is more common than you may realize. You can find mold in both the inside and outside areas of your home. For those with asthma and allergies, it can cause harmful side effects. Here are several ways to prevent mold from growing throughout your home. Clean and Dry Surfaces to Prevent Mold Some places in your home are breeding grounds for mold, including floors and sinks. When you have a non-porous surface, it is easy to use a disinfectant or other cleaner to prevent mold. For those with soft surfaces, a vapor steam cleaner is another effective way to disinfect the home. As you use this product, you want to make sure that no moisture remains on the surfaces. Mold can start to grow on wet surfaces in only a few hours. Keep Proper Airflow With proper air circulation, you can limit the growth of mold in your home. If you have dark areas or confined spaces, then you should focus on keeping those places ventilated. For those with heating and cooling systems, you need to schedule regular maintenance on the unit. At , our technicians can conduct a complete inspection of your ducts. We can help you...

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What Are the Most Important Rooms to Have an Air Purifier in?

January 10, 2020

The best rooms to put an air purifier in are the ones where you and your family spend the most time. Purifiers are designed to clean the air in the immediate vicinity by removing the contaminants. Those who suffer from allergies are said to benefit from the devices the most since they have sensitivities. Here are the most important rooms to put an air purifier in. Bedroom The most important room to put an air purifier in is the bedroom — yours as well as the bedrooms of your children. This is the room where you spend the most time because this is where you sleep. As you sleep, you are breathing in all the contaminants in the air as well as anything else floating around. An air purifier can clean the room for you so that you can get a healthy sleep. Living Room The living room is a great room to put a purifier in because it is shared by the entire family. This means that everyone’s sensitivities collide there. To keep everyone comfortable, keep the air in this space clean. Nursery If you have a nursery for your newborn, you want to ensure that your baby is...

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3 Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality

September 5, 2018

Many people tend to think that poor air quality is something that’s limited to the air outside. However, most people spend more time indoors than out so that’s where improvements to air quality can really make a difference. While taking the following steps to increase the quality of your indoor air range from those you can DIY to the more involved, one thing they all have in common is that you and your family will breathe much better afterward. 1. Don’t Smoke According to a New York City pediatrician and the director of the Children’s Environmental Health Center at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Philip Landrigan, MD, eliminating secondhand cigarette smoke is likely to be the most important component when improving the quality of the air inside your home. Not only does cigarette smoke contain over 4,000 chemicals, but it also increases the chances of the smoker developing cancer, strokes and heart attacks. Children who grow up in a home where people smoke are more likely to develop asthma, ear infections, and respiratory problems. Of course, it’s best if no one smokes in your family at all but at least don’t allow anyone to smoke inside your home. 2. Ventilate...

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Why Is Humidity Control Important?

June 6, 2018

Humidity control is important because if you aren’t careful you can have higher than necessary energy bills. Humidity helps control the “feels like temperature,” and can make the actual temperature feel much hotter than it truly is. When humidity builds up in the home, or when there is not enough humidity, it can cause other problems, which makes it even more important to control. Comfort Controlling humidity will allow you to be more comfortable. In a room that is too humid, the body can’t evaporate perspiration. In a room that has low humidity in the winter, there is more perspiration that evaporates, leaving you feeling colder than you should. Health High humidity levels can cause mold spores to thrive and lead to health problems. The opposite, which is overly dry air, can cause sore throats and dry, cracked lips. Viruses thrive in low humidity, which means that your family members are more likely to catch colds and the flu. Dry air can make allergies and asthma worse. Home Damage Dry air can cause damage to your home, with your wood floors splitting and your furniture deteriorating. Paint and plaster can crack with low humidity levels. With high humidity, wood flooring...

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What is a Germicidal UV Light?

June 6, 2018

If you do apply sunscreens, you have probably heard of UV (ultraviolet) light. This is an invisible wavelength that causes blindness and skin cancer in humans if the exposure is extremely high. Apparently, UV light isn’t so good for microorganisms either. If a germicidal UV light harnessed into a light lamp or a bulb and linked harmlessly in an HVAC system, this UV light can assist humans to kill bacteria, viruses, mold spores, and pollen spores in a home or office. High quantities of microorganisms cause respiratory problems and can lead to significant health issues like cognitive issues and asthma. A germicidal light is designed to help you accomplish this. It uses a combination of a quartz glass envelope and special phosphors to eliminate germs and/or create ozone. These lights come in a wide range of sizes, wattages, voltages, and base types. Reasons to Get a Germicidal UV Light If installed near “return” or “supply” vents of the ductwork or your air conditioning coil, the germicidal light can catch many tiny microorganisms that often circulate in your living space. This includes 99.9 percent of the mold spores in your home. UV Lights are the Smartest Editions and Offer: Continuous Operation:...

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6 Ways To Improve Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality

April 27, 2018

Did you know that your home’s indoor air quality might be worse than the air quality outdoors? Even if you live in the city! That’s because many homes lack proper ventilation and air quality improvement techniques that get rid of the airborne dust, dirt, dander, and other toxins that impact human and pet health. To ensure your home has the best indoor air quality possible, be sure to check out the following improvement techniques with our 6 ways to improve your home’s indoor air quality: Keep relative humidity between 40 and 60% High humidity levels inside your home should be avoided as it promotes mold growth, mold that commonly releases spores that are ill to human health. On the other hand, excessively dry conditions are likewise not recommended so instead keep humidity levels between 40 and 60% with a home humidifier or dehumidifier. Be smart with flooring & avoid manmade fibers and engineered woods Manmade carpet fibers and engineered woods commonly off-gas harmful airborne volatile organic compounds and so, where possible, they should be avoided. Instead, choose rugs and carpets comprised of natural fibers when outfitting rooms. Have air ducts cleaned every 3 to 5 years Air ducts should be...

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Spring Allergy Tips

March 24, 2015

Spring officially arrived on Friday March 20, bringing with it Spring allergies that cause misery for millions of Americans. But there are ways folks can get relief, a medical expert says. “The key to surviving spring allergies is knowing what triggers your symptoms,” Dr. James Sublett, president of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, said in a college news release. “Because there can be millions of pollen particles in the air, finding allergy relief can seem nearly impossible for some. But by knowing what triggers your allergy symptoms and how to avoid these allergens, you can be on your way to a sneeze-free season,” he said. The college offers some tips for dealing with spring allergies: Avoid clothing made of synthetic fabrics, which, when rubbed together, can create an electrical charge that attracts pollen. Opt for natural fibers such as cotton, which also breathe better and stay drier, making them less likely to harbor mold. Exercise outdoors when pollen counts are at their lowest — before dawn and in the late afternoon and early evening. Because exercise causes you to breathe more deeply and inhale more pollen, try to do vigorous workouts indoors. If you’re going out for...

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Get smart about home energy efficiency

February 8, 2013

Did you know as much as half the energy consumed in your home goes to heating and cooling? If you haven’t replaced your HVAC system with a high-efficiency, ENERGY STAR® qualified model, you’re probably spending significantly more on home utility bills—up to 20% more if your heat pump or air conditioner is more than 10 years old, and up to 15% more if your furnace is more than 15 years old. Here are a few more steps you can take to increase energy efficiency and savings in your home: Close the envelope Insulating and sealing the exterior of your home, often referred to as the “envelope,” can help keep air from leaking into the home from the outside, or vice versa, helping you to save up to $200 per year on home heating and cooling costs. Seal the ducts Duct sealing can save up to $120 per year in coastal areas, and as much as $190 if you’re inland. Install a programmable thermostat An ENERGY STAR qualified programmable thermostat can save you up to $100 per year in coastal areas and over $150 inland. Lennox’ icomfort Wi-Fi Touchscreen Thermostat lets you set your home’s temperature to save energy from anywhere in...

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