Prepare for Cold Weather with These Winterizing Tips
Like it or not, cold temps are on their way. It’s smart to winterize your house to get ready for a safe, cozy, and comfortable season. With the help of the pros, you can prepare your house and your family for the chilly weather to come. 1. Tune-up Your Heating System The last thing you want on a cold winter’s day is for your furnace to go down. Do your best to avoid that issue by scheduling furnace maintenance at the start of the season. During a furnace tune-up, a technician will look over your heating system to check whether everything is in order. The service might include cleaning the system, lubricating the components, and tightening the connections. The technician will also test the unit to ensure that everything is in proper working order. That way, you can catch small issues before they turn into major repair needs. Not only will that improve your chances of staying warm all winter, but it may also save you money. Whether your home is heated by a furnace, a heat pump, or a geothermal system, it’s smart to schedule a tune-up before the heating season is in full swing. While you’re at it,...
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