Causes of AC Failure

May 20, 2020

Most central air conditioning systems last for about 12 years before they have a major breakdown. Since O’Fallon, MO, has a lot of hot and humid weather, however, it’s almost always too soon to experience an AC failure. Knowing about the most common causes behind air conditioner issues allows you to take preventive actions. Here are some of the most common reasons why air conditioning systems fail. Refrigerant Leak Older air conditioning systems use Freon as the chemical refrigerant. Systems made since 2006 usually use R-410-A, an environmentally-friendly refrigerant. A refrigerant leak triggers the air conditioner to have low pressure. The safety switch is triggered by low pressure. If the pressure is too low, the air conditioner will not turn on. A leak of R-410-A could be repaired. The fixtures, hoses, and valves can be checked and replaced by qualified technicians. In the case of a Freon leak, the system should be replaced. Frozen Coil Air conditioners have refrigerant flowing through their coils. The coils are located on the outdoor condenser unit. Those coils need warm air circulating around them, otherwise, they can freeze. A frozen coil stops the flow of refrigerant. When the refrigerant cannot flow into the indoor...

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What Are MERV Air Filter Ratings?

May 1, 2020

In 1968, the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers released its first air filter testing standard. Nearly two decades later, ASHRAE created the Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value, aka MERV. This was an update that the society felt was necessary. The ratings, which range from 1 to 20, are used to determine the quality of any given air filter. MERV measures the filter’s efficiency by its ability to trap airborne pathogens. At in O’Fallon, MO, we help install air filters that meet MERV standards and recommendations. Here are some things you should know about the MERV air filter ratings. What Rating Should I Use? The proper rating for your interior depends on several factors. The higher the rating, the more particles the air filter is expected to trap. If the air filter is going to be used in your home, you do not need the highest-rated air filter. However, you’ll need a filter that’s going to do the best in your HVAC system. While a filter with a high rating is wonderful, it’s not necessary for all situations. In fact, it may not be good for your system. For residential heating, cooling, and ventilation systems, there are filter recommendations....

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