What’s Considered an HVAC Emergency?
When an issue arises with your O’Fallon home’s HVAC system, your initial reaction might be to put off making a call for service if you perceive the issue as only a mild annoyance. While letting any problem spread over time isn’t a good idea, some situations are more pressing than others. Knowing when to call an emergency HVAC specialist is crucial to both maintaining your home’s structure and protecting your family. Signs of Smoke or Fire If you see smoke coming from your vents or your heating or cooling equipment, immediately evacuate your home. Call 911 if a fire is suspected, and then contact an emergency HVAC specialist. You might notice that a cord looks singed, or you may smell smoke near the heater. A fire could break out and cause major destruction in seconds, so swift action is necessary. It is also possible that a small fire already occurred and went out. Hot to the Touch Of course, it’s normal for your home’s heater to feel warm when running. If you notice that the surface feels unusually hot to the touch or if the heater is hot even when it is off, this issue could be a sign of...
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