How Does a Dehumidifier Improve the Quality of Air?
You view your home as your sanctuary, so it’s important to ensure the quality of air meets your desired standards. From your cleaning regimen to pets to your HVAC system maintenance, there are many factors that can affect the quality of air in your home. So, as you can imagine, it is important to become familiar with how you can achieve the best quality of indoor air possible. One method of improving indoor air is the utilization of a high-performance home dehumidifier. Along with other methods to achieve clean air, most modern HVAC systems include dehumidifiers to produce the best indoor air possible. Defining Indoor Air Quality Often referred to as “indoor air quality” or (IAQ), the quality of air within your home is an environmental factor that has a direct effect on the health, comfort, and overall well-being of its inhabitants. There are methods that help to improve IAQ, such as using a dehumidifier to increase the amount of high-quality indoor air. Signs of Poor Air Quality Many people spend the majority of their time indoors. This is especially true during extreme weather such as hot Florida summers or cold northern winters. Since you cannot see the air you...
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