Going Over the Advantages and Disadvantages of Mini-Split Systems

If you’re thinking about getting a mini-split for your place, there are a lot of things to consider. Obviously, price is a major factor, and so is a mini-split’s ability to keep your home at a comfortable temperature. Efficiency, versatility, and convenience are other things to contemplate. In addition, you should be aware of how much work it might take to keep a mini-split system maintained. This overview will go over the pros and cons of mini-split systems.
Advantages of Mini-Splits
One of the main reasons why ductless mini-splits are preferred by many people is because they don’t require any ductwork. Central air conditioners, on the other hand, need a system of ducts to circulate air throughout a home. A central AC can be a really convenient system to have, but it might not be ideal for everyone. Many older homes weren’t built with ductwork, and while it may be possible, adding ductwork to one of these older residences may be extremely costly. Even if a home can get ductwork after it’s been built, the project may be too expensive to be feasible for many people.
In contrast, a mini-split system can get installed just about anywhere. It consists of an indoor unit and an outdoor unit. The outdoor unit and indoor unit don’t even need to be right next to each other. You can have some flexibility when coming up with a placement. You might want to tuck an outdoor unit somewhere out of the way on the side or back of your home. One of the most important things is to put it in a well-ventilated area. The indoor unit can get placed in a bedroom, living room, addition, or another space in which you spend a lot of time. There’s a lot of flexibility in this regard.
It’s nice that you can place an indoor mini-split unit in a variety of places in a room. Some units can get hung from ceilings, and most get mounted on walls. Putting a unit on a perimeter wall can usually work out in your favor. This can make it easier to connect it to an outdoor unit.
Some people choose to get multiple mini-splits installed. This type of versatility is another big advantage. The configuration of your system is completely up to you. If, for example, you’d like all of the bedrooms in your home to stay nice and comfortable, you can get one for every bedroom. These multiple units should be able to connect to the same outdoor unit, so you won’t have to invest in another unit for the outdoors.
When you have multiple mini-splits set up, you’ll be able to control the temperature in each space. This can help you conserve energy. If you have one system in your living room and another in the bedroom, for instance, you probably won’t be running them at the same time. If you just use one at a time, you can cut down your utility bills. You might run the unit in the living room during the day and evening, and you might be more likely to use the bedroom’s unit at night. It’s helpful that some units can be remotely controlled, and some can be programmed.
Further, mini-splits can be pretty efficient. None of us want to spend more than we have to on utility bills, and using a mini-split may be able to help you reduce your monthly costs.
An additional advantage to a mini-split is that it may be able to heat and cool. Some units only offer cooling, but some are able to function as heaters and air conditioners. If you get one of these types of systems, you can enjoy the benefits of the mini-split throughout the year. These dual-function systems are often used in homes with additions. Additions might not be connected to central air, so they’ll need a little assistance in staying a consistent temperature. Even if an addition does have central air, it might have trouble staying comfortable because it may be farther away from the source of the warm or cool air. A mini-split could work as a practical solution in either case.
Disadvantages of Mini-Splits
While there are many advantages to mini-splits, there are certainly some drawbacks. The cost of a mini-split can be high. Installing a mini-split would be more expensive than putting in a window unit, and the cost differential could be significant. In addition, a mini-split could even be more expensive than a central AC unit. Now, that doesn’t take the cost of installing ductwork into consideration. However, if you’re building a new place and have the opportunity to incorporate ductwork into your home, you might decide to go with central AC instead of a mini-split for this reason.
Mini-splits can do a great job in smaller homes. Let’s say you have a living room/dining room area, a kitchen, and a few bathrooms and bedrooms. Setting up a few mini-splits can be a practical undertaking. If you have a larger place, though, mini-splits might not work out as well. You’d have to put in so many mini-splits in order to maintain the temperature in various areas of your home. The costs of each unit might add up, and having to control so many different units could start to be a chore.
Another negative aspect about mini-split systems has to do with how they look. Yes, they can be installed in locations that are out of the way, but they’re still quite obvious. They do take up some space regardless of where you decide to put them. In comparison, the components of a central AC unit are hidden for the most part. The only thing you’d see is a vent somewhere. This being said, many people feel that mini-splits are more attractive than window units. Plus, they don’t block views from windows.
Mini-splits still require regular maintenance. If you don’t keep up with tune-ups, your system might not work as efficiently in the future. Tune-ups come with a cost, of course, and you’ll have to take the time to set up an appointment and be home when the technician gets there.
Let Us Help You
If you’d like to talk things over with people who have experience in the industry, we’re always ready to hear from you. At Hoff Heating & AC, we have a long history of service, and we’ve been able to help many people in O’Fallon with their mini-splits. Our founder got his start in the industry in 1983, and over several decades, he was able to really grow the organization. The business has since been passed on to the second generation. We continue to work hard on behalf of our customers and proudly offer a variety of services. We can install heat pumps, furnaces, air conditioners, and mini-splits in addition to servicing them and maintaining them. We also work with indoor air quality systems, humidifiers, and dehumidifiers. Whether you have a brand new system, an older HVAC system that’s hanging in there, or something in the middle of that range, we’ll be ready to assist you. Call us at Hoff Heating & AC to schedule an appointment.